41. Accessible:(सुगम)
Meaning: easy to approach; obtainable
Mnemonics: : access+able = by ACCESSING interner you will be ABLE to access online coaching.
42. Accessory:(सहायक)
Meaning: additional object; useful but not essential thing;
43. Acclaim:(सराहना)
Meaning: applaud; praise; greet with great approval; announce with great approval;
44. Acclimate:(अभ्यास होना)
Meaning: adjust to climate or environment; adapt;
45. Acclivity:(चढ़ाना)
Meaning: sharp upslope of a hill; OP. declivity;
46. Accolade:(सम्मान)
Meaning: award of merit; strong praise and approval;
47. Accommodate:(समायोजित)
Meaning: oblige or help someone; adjust or bring into harmony; adapt; make enough space for;
Mnemonics: : you accommodate someone when you provide accommodation, so you are helping him/her.
48. Accomplice:(साथी)
Meaning: partner in crime;
Mnemonics: : accompany + police; so accompany police implies helping police in reducing crime ; accomplice means opposite of this : partner in crime.
49. Accord:(आपसी मेल)
Meaning: agreement;
Mnemonics: : sounds like ACC(ACCORDING)+cord(record)...well ACCORDING TO our RECORDS we are in agreement with our investors ,as where to invest their money.
50. Accost:(बोलना)
Meaning: approach and speak first to a person;
Mnemonics: : accost ~ sounds like at any cost. I will approach first and speak to her at any cost.
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