Monday, June 8, 2020

Daily Vocabulary Part-4

Vocabulary Words

Meaning:restraint from pleasant things, esp. eating or drinking;
Mnemonics::ab+stinence..(looks like STRINGENC(y)....MEANS sticking to the rules) your doctor has asked you to stick to the rule of eating only bread ,if you want to reduce your belly.

सार)                          Meaning:theoretical; not concrete;nonrepresentational
Mnemonics:: abstract: sounds close to extract....and you cant extract anything from an abstract philosophical speech or

33. Abstruse::(
अव्यक्त                                                          Meaning:obscure; profound; difficult to understand.
Mnemonics:: It contains "ab....use". ab generally stands for negative sense and so 'ab+ use' can be taken as difficult to use. A word will be difficult to use if it is difficult to understand.
·AB stress nahi doge or brain USE(last 2 alphabets) nahi karoge then you wont be able to understand
anything.Difficult to understand.

अपमानजनक)                        Meaning:coarsely insulting; physically harmful
Mnemonics::abuse+eve…don’t abuse the eve, its very insulting.

35.Abut:(साथ लगे होना)                                  Meaning: border upon; adjoin

Mnemonics:: Look at your BUTT (Dont take it offensively). Its like two pieces of flesh together marked by a boundary in
between them ..Thats abut .

36. Abysmal:(अथाह

Meaning:: bottomless
Mnemonics:: a+bys(take dis as 20 i.e.bees in hindi)+mal(take it as mile)..... a 20 mile deep pit in the ground looks like its bottomless.

रसातल)                               Meaning:enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit, an extremely deep hole.
Mnemonics::A+bys....(this mnemonic is in hindi...ek 20(bees) fit ka gadda)..i.e. Vast bottomless pit....

38.Academic:(अकादमिक)                                 Meaning: related to a school; not practical or directly useful.                                             Mnemonics:academy+ic (is) = something is related to academy.                      

39.Accede:(मान लेना)  

Meaning: agree.
Mnemonics: : ac+cede( means to yield) accede means to yield to somebody’s opinion or wish.

गति बढ़ाना)   

Meaning: move faster.
Mnemonics: : acc (acount)+ ele (element i.e. interest) + rate grows faster… and reaches to high level amount.

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Daily Vocabulary Part-18

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers 1. Amorous [ am -er- uh s ] (कामुक ) Meaning: ADJ motivated in a sexual mann...