“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers
1. Amorous [ am-er-uhs ] (कामुक)
Meaning: ADJ motivated in a sexual manner. carnal
2.amorphous [ uh-mawr-fuhs ] (अनाकार)
Meaning: ADJ something which has no definite form or shape
MNEMONICS: :: morphe means shape in greek. Thus morphous is shaped and a-morphous means not shaped.
MNEMONICS: :: morphe means shape in greek. Thus morphous is shaped and a-morphous means not shaped.
3. Amphibian [ am-fib-ee-uh n ] (उभयचर)
Meaning: ADJ being able to live both on land and water
MNEMONICS: : amphi is similar to 'ample'. Ample means many, 'many-be-an' which can be equated to can be in many places like land and water
MNEMONICS: : amphi is similar to 'ample'. Ample means many, 'many-be-an' which can be equated to can be in many places like land and water
4.amphitheater [ am-fuh-thee-uh-ter, -theeuh-ter ] (अखाड़ा)
Meaning: a large round theatre which is generally open to air. Ex; the greek colosseum.
MNEMONICS: : again amphi is similar to ample. Ample means abundant so the word becomes abundant theatre or a large theatre.
MNEMONICS: : again amphi is similar to ample. Ample means abundant so the word becomes abundant theatre or a large theatre.
5. ample [ am-puhl ] (प्रचुर)
Meaning: ADJ many, abundant
6. amplify [ am-pluh-fahy ] (बढ़ाना)
Meaning: ADJ to increase, to broaden
MNEMONICS: :. Ample means large, so the word is large-ify ==> largify or increase
MNEMONICS: :. Ample means large, so the word is large-ify ==> largify or increase
7.amputate [ am-pyoo-teyt ] (अंग-विच्छेद करना)
Meaning: cutting off a part of the body
MNEMONICS: : sounds like arm-but-ate he has only one arm but was eating
MNEMONICS: : sounds like arm-but-ate he has only one arm but was eating
8.amok [ uh-muhk, uh-mok ] (आपे से बाहर)
Meaning: being at a state of rage
MNEMONICS: :: a-'mock' u get angry because you are being mocked at.
MNEMONICS: :: a-'mock' u get angry because you are being mocked at.
9.amulet [ am-yuh-lit ] (ताबीज़)
Meaning: charm, talisman
MNEMONICS: :: sounds like hamlet... hamlet is a 'charm'ing play which was like a talisman to shakespeare.
MNEMONICS: :: sounds like hamlet... hamlet is a 'charm'ing play which was like a talisman to shakespeare.
10.anachronism [ uh-nak-ruh-niz-uh m ] (कालभ्रम)
Meaning: an out of date custom or practice not belonging to the period
MNEMONICS: :: 'chrono' means time. Ana-chrono negates it. So it is like not-time. Similar to not in right time
MNEMONICS: :: 'chrono' means time. Ana-chrono negates it. So it is like not-time. Similar to not in right time
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