“The way get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
51. Accooutre:(वर्दी से सजाना)
Meaning: equip; N. accoutrement.
Mnemonics: : couture means dress ,accoutre means furnish with dress or equipment;to equip or to attire
52. Accretion:(एक साथ वृद्धि)
Meaning: growth or increase in size by gradual addition; growth; increase; increase by natural growth;
Mnemonics: : ACCRETION sounds like secretion which gives an idea of growth in size.
53. Accrue:(उपाजित होना)
Meaning: come to one as a gain; accumulate over time; come about by addition;
Mnemonics: : sounds like AKDU(hindi...means haughty)....so a person becomes akdu when he gains a lot
54. Acerbity:(तीखा स्वाद)
Meaning: bitterness of speech and temper; ADJ. acerbic: bitter; acrid (in taste, manner, or tone)
Mnemonics: : acer( SIR)+bity(BITE)...well your boss(SIR) is using BITTE WORDS FOR YOU,what are you thinking??(man to karta hai KACCHA BITE (kha) jauo)
55. Acetic:(खट्टा)
Meaning: vinegary
Mnemonics: : acetic is derived from acetic acid..which is a week acid,which we generally use to make bakery products.
56. Acidulous:(थोड़ा अम्ल)
Meaning: slightly sour (in taste or manner); sharp; caustic.
Mnemonics: : ACID..(USUALLY SOUR AND BITTER IN TASTE)...so anything which include acid will automatically give you sour and bitter taste
57. Acknowledge:(स्वीकार करना)
Meaning: recognize; admit.
Mnemonics: : ac(ACCORDING)+ knowledge...according to my knowledge recognized schools generally admit very intelligent students.
58. Acme:(शिखर)
Meaning: peak; pinnacle; highest point.
Mnemonics: : Sounds like LAKME (face cream) whose products promise your beauty to reach its peak.
59. Acne:(मुँहासे)
Meaning: skin disease (on the face).
Mnemonics: : it sounds like LAKNE the duplicate product of LAKME... so dnt use dis otherwise dis will cause SKIN DISEASE...
60. Acoustics:(ध्वनि-विज्ञान)
Meaning: science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in.
Mnemonics: : a+co(couple)+stics(sticks)-a couple of sticks when striked produce a sound... producing sound relates to science of sound...
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