Sunday, June 7, 2020

Daily Vocabulary Part-3

Your limitation—it’s only your imagination.

21. Abortive:(निष्फल)                                  Meaning: unsuccessful; fruitless
Mnemonics:: Relate it to abort..things usually gets aborted when it seems that it would be unsuccessful or fruitless

22. Abrasive:(
अपघर्षक)                                                                   Meaning: rubbing away; tending to grind down, harsh
Mnemonics:: sounds like aggressive,which means harsh behavior

23. Abridge:(
काट-छाँट)                                                                     Meaning: condense or shorten
Mnemonics: : a+bridge : bridges can shorten the transportation time..

24. Abrogate:(
अभिनिषेध करना)                                                    Meaning: abolish, cancel, annul
Mnemonics: : Imagine a boy is making signs to a girl standing in front of her GATE,seeing that her BRO comes & get rid of
the boy (abolish)

25. Abscission:(
अलगाव)                                                               Meaning: cutting off; separation
Mnemonics: : ab + scission = scissor scissor separates two things by cutting them ,so separation

26. Abscond:(
फ़रार होना)                                                               Meaning:: To leave secretly
Mnemonics: : Abscond = ab + scond. �Absent in a second�. When you will absent in a second? =when u STEAL OFF &
HIDE, or when u DEPART secretly.

27. Absolute:(
पूर्ण)                                                                          Meaning:: complete; totally unlimited; having complete power; certain; not relative;
Mnemonics: : "solute" sounds like salute and we use to salute people certainly having complete power.

28. Absolve:(
दोषमुक्त करना)                                                        Meaning: pardon (an offense)                        Mnemonics: : ab -solve . so you solved a dispute between you and your friend , how did you solve it by forgiving and pardoning him/her .

29. Abstain:(बचना)                                                                          Meaning: refrain; choose not to do something; intentionally not use one's vote;                                Mnemonics:: ab+stain...we tend to stay away from stain....                              

30. Abstemious:
संयमी)                                                                      Meaning: sparing in eating and drinking; temperate
Mnemonics: : abs (abs) + stemious (stamina): To build stamina or six pack abs, you have to eat and drink carefully.

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Daily Vocabulary Part-18

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers 1. Amorous [ am -er- uh s ] (कामुक ) Meaning: ADJ motivated in a sexual mann...