“Life Is Waiting for You, Give Your Best Shot.”
Vocabulary Part - 2
11. Abide:(पालन करना)
Meaning: dwell; abide by: comply with; put up with; tolerate;
Mnemonics: : bide in abide sounds like bind(something that binds you).....so abid means that fails to bind you from your heart..but you merely have to tolerate
12. Abject:(निकृष्ट)
Meaning: (of a condition) wretched; as low as possible; lacking pride; very humble; showing lack of self-respect;
Mnemonics: : Abject sounds like REJECT. Poor people are like REJECTED (Abject) people in the society.
13. Abjure:(त्यागना)
Meaning: renounce upon oath.
Mnemonics: : abjure ~ ab (away) + jure (jury). He abjured (rejected, moved away from) her earlier statements in front of jury.
14. Ablution:(स्नान)
Meaning: washing.
Mnemonics: : ablution ~ a + blue + solution; just imagine some blue color solution used for washing clothes.
15. Abnegation:(अस्वीकार)
Meaning: renunciation; self-sacrifice; self-abnegation.
Mnemonics:Ab-negate ~ relate negate to negative and ab to away. It implies subtracting something.
Renouncing some important aspect of your life means sacrificing something.
abnegate: ab+nahi+get; meaning giving up something
abnegate: ab+nahi+get; meaning giving up something
16. Abode:(निवास)
Meaning: dwelling place; home.
Mnemonics: : abode sounds jus like aboard= a+board... boarding refers to living room or place
17. Abolish:(समाप्त करना )
Meaning: cancel; put an end to, get rid of.
Mnemonics: : a + polish (bolish): a polish puts an end to the dullness of shoes.
18. Abominable:(घिनौना)
Meaning: detestable; extremely unpleasant.
Mnemonics: : AVOMIN "(pretty famous drug) given wen u feel a vomiting sensation (which is an unpleasant feeling)..Associate avomin to abomin...
19. Abominate:(घृणा करना)
Meaning: loathe; hate.
Mnemonics: : omi here sounds like omit, we omit the things we hate
20. Aboriginal:(आदिवासी)
Meaning: being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native; indigenous; N. aborigine.
Mnemonics: : A+B+Origin+all : A-B are origin(initials) of all English alphabets. i.e. first of its kind
Mnemonics: : A+B+Origin+all : A-B are origin(initials) of all English alphabets. i.e. first of its kind
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