Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Daily Vocabulary Part-18

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers

1. Amorous [ am-er-uhs ] (कामुक)
Meaning: ADJ motivated in a sexual manner. carnal

2.amorphous [ uh-mawr-fuhs ] (अनाकार)
Meaning: ADJ something which has no definite form or shape
MNEMONICS: :: morphe means shape in greek. Thus morphous is shaped and a-morphous means not shaped.

3. Amphibian [ am-fib-ee-uh n ] (उभयचर)
Meaning: ADJ being able to live both on land and water
MNEMONICS: : amphi is similar to 'ample'. Ample means many, 'many-be-an' which can be equated to can be in many places like land and water

4.amphitheater [ am-fuh-thee-uh-ter, -theeuh-ter ] (अखाड़ा)
Meaning: a large round theatre which is generally open to air. Ex; the greek colosseum.
MNEMONICS: : again amphi is similar to ample. Ample means abundant so the word becomes abundant theatre or a large theatre.

5. ample [ am-puhl ] (प्रचुर)
Meaning: ADJ many, abundant

6. amplify [ am-pluh-fahy ] (बढ़ाना)
Meaning: ADJ to increase, to broaden
MNEMONICS: :. Ample means large, so the word is large-ify ==> largify or increase

7.amputate [ am-pyoo-teyt ] (अंग-विच्छेद करना)
Meaning: cutting off a part of the body
MNEMONICS: : sounds like arm-but-ate he has only one arm but was eating

8.amok [ uh-muhk, uh-mok ] (आपे से बाहर)
Meaning: being at a state of rage
MNEMONICS: :: a-'mock' u get angry because you are being mocked at.

9.amulet [ am-yuh-lit ] (ताबीज़)
Meaning: charm, talisman
MNEMONICS: :: sounds like hamlet... hamlet is a 'charm'ing play which was like a talisman to shakespeare.

10.anachronism [ uh-nak-ruh-niz-uh m ] (कालभ्रम)
Meaning: an out of date custom or practice not belonging to the period
MNEMONICS: :: 'chrono' means time. Ana-chrono negates it. So it is like not-time. Similar to not in right time

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Daily Vocabulary Part-17

NOTE:- Website ke right side me sbse top pe follow ka blue colour ka button hai use press krke follow jrur kre friends.   

1. Amenable [ uh-mee-nuh-buhl, uh-men-uh- ] (जिम्मेदार)
Meaning: disposed or willing to comply, comfortable, tractable.
Mnemonics: a MEN ABLE - ABLE MEN are obedient,compliant,readily managed,etc. (are amenable)

2.Amend [ uh-mend ] (संशोधन)
Meaning: set straight or right, rectify, remediate, remedy, repair, ameliorate.
Mnemonics: amend ~ a + mind; you should have a sound mind to amend you score in mathematics.

3.amenities [ uh-men-i-tee, uh-mee-ni- ] (सुविधाएँ)
Meaning: NOUN basic comforts that v need.
MNEMONICS: : a-man-at-ease so pl connect it like.amenities is something tht mkes a man feel at ease.tht is some basic comforts he needs

4.amiable [ ey-mee-uh-buhl ] (सुशील)
Meaning: ADJ very friendly,agreeable,easy to go with.
MNEMONICS: : ah-me-able. wow I feel that I am an able person coz im very friendly.

5.amicable [ am-i-kuh-buhl ] (मैत्रीपूर्ण)
Meaning:  ADJ on friendly terms with
MNEMONICS: : a-mix(mic)-able. mixable person.mixes very well with others. So is friendly with others root: 'amicus' means friends so also like amicus-able.. friend-able. Ex: Right now US and Russia share a very amicable relationship

6. amiss [ uh-mis ] (अनुचित)
Meaning: ADJ wrong. Faulty.
MNEMONICS: : a-miss.. its a miss(not a hit).. its a failure. So its wrong. Something is amiss.

7. amity [ am-i-tee ] (मेल - जोल)
Meaning:  NOUN friendship
MNEMONICS: : mitwa means friend in hindi. A-mitwa → a-mity-wa...a friend symbolises friendship

8. amnesia [ am-nee-zhuh ] (भूलने की बीमारी)
Meaning:  NOUN a state of forgetfulness
MNEMONICS: : what if u go to somebody and say “ hi.. I am nesia( but u arent!! ).. who r u?” Then u hav forgotten urself!!

9.amnesty [ am-nuh-stee ] (आम माफ़ी)
Meaning:  pardon
MNEMONICS: :: amnesty sounds like ah majesty! And thats how plead the king for pardon..

10. amoral [ ey-mawr-uh l, a-mawr-, ey-mor-, a-mor-] (नीतिहीन)
Meaning: non-moral
MNEMONICS: :: its very obvious. A-moral automatically means not moral.

NOTE:- Website k right side me sbse top pe follow ka blue colour ka button hai use press krke follow jrur kre friends.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Daily Vocabulary Part-16

Sometimes later becomes never. Do it now.

1.Amass [ uh-mas ] (एकत्र करना)
Meaning: collect or gathe,accumulate, collect, compile, pile, hoard, roll up, conglomerate.
Mnemonics: amass ~ add masses and hence to collect things

2.Amazon [ am-uh-zon, -zuh n ] (वीरांगना)
Meaning: mainly green tropical American parrots, large strong and aggressive woman, virago.
Mnemonics: amazon ~ amazing woman

3.Ambidexterous [ am-bi-dek-struh s ] (उभयहस्त)
Meaning: equally skillful with each hand
Mnemonics: 'Ambi' means 'both' (am + bi - two); Dexter means skillful

4.Ambience [ am-bee-uh ns; French ahn-byahns] (माहौल)
Meaning: the atmosphere of an environment
· ambience ~ amber (it's a Hindi word meaning sky)and hence the meaning.
· if u can remember, the room spray called ambience ,then that will do things easy.a room freshner is sprayed to keep the room environment or atmosphere smell nice

5.Ambiguous [ am-big-yoo-uhs ] (अस्पष्ट)
Meaning: having more than one possible meaning, open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead, equivocal.
Mnemonics: Ambi (am + bi) means 2 , while guous sounds like guess. So if 2 people guess on something, then it will make the subject doubtful or unclear.

6.Ambivalence [ am-biv-uh-luh ns ] (दोहरे विचार वाला)
Meaning: mixed feelings or emotions
Mnemonics:ambivalence ~ am (I) + bi (both) + value; I value both sides and hence have mixed feelings.

7.Amble [ am-buhl ] (टहलना)
Meaning: a leisurely walk (usually in some public place, perambulation, promenade, saunter, stroll., mosey.
Mnemonics: ambulance is a walking (moving) hospital; somnambulism is sleep walking; ambulatory = able to walk and not bedridden; and AMBLE obviously must mean simply walking

8.Ambrosia [am-broh-zhuh] (अमृत)
Meaning: (noun) (classical mythology) the food and drink of the gods; mortals who ate it became immortal, nectar, bitterweed,ragweed, beebread.
· (tag:hindi)AMBROSIA - AMRIT (nectar of life) PIYA (to drink).... and only the Gods had the amrit during the sagar
· ambrosia sounds like 'ambrut' which is food of gods

9.Ambulatory [ am-byuh-luh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee ] (चलनक्षम)
Meaning: a covered walkway (as in a cloister )
Mnemonics: ambulatory ~ ambulance; as he can't walk he need an ambulance;

10.Ameliorate [ uh-meel-yuh-reyt, uh-mee-lee-uh- ] (सुधारना)
Meaning: get better, amend, better, improve, meliorate.
Mnemonics: Take the suffix 'rate'. With the increase in product rate its quality will also improve.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Daily Vocabulary Part-15

“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.”

51.Alloy-v, (मिश्र धातु)
Meaning: Debase

52.Allude [ uh-lood ] (संकेत करना)
Meaning: make a more or less disguised reference to, advert, touch.
Mnemonics: Sounds like allusion ~ illusion which means indirect reference

53.Allure [ uh-loor ] (फुसलाना)
Meaning: the power to entice or attract through personal charm, tempt.
Mnemonics: allure = al + l + u + re; u (you) re (are) l (loved) by al (all).. as you are very attractive.

54.Allusion [ uh-loo-zhuh n ] (संकेत)
Meaning: passing reference or indirect mention
Mnemonics: it is similar to "illusion" which is done by showing things not there indirectly

55.Alluvial [ uh-loo-vee-uh l ] (बाढ़ की मिट्टी का)
Meaning:· of or relating to alluvium. alluvium - clay or silt or gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows down.

56.Aloof [ uh-loof ] (अलग)
Meaning: remote in manner, distant, upstage.
Mnemonics:aloof~ a roof; Alone on roof top !!

57.Aloft [ uh-lawft, uh-loft ] (ऊपर)
Meaning: in the higher atmosphere above the earth, upward.
Mnemonics: aloft ~ sounds like lift which is used to go upward

58.Altercation[ awl-ter-key-shuhn ] (तकरार)
Meaning: noisy quarrel, affray, fracas.
Mnemonics: altered ~ alter (means to change); When things are altered without telling the elders, then there may arise a noisy quarrel

59.Altruistic [ al-troo-is-tik ] (परोपकारी)
Meaning: showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others
Mnemonics: altruistic ~ all + true; a person with true heart for others is altruistic.

60.Amalgamate [ uh-mal-guh-meyt ] (मिश्रित करना)
Meaning: to bring or combine together or with something else, commix, mingle, mix, unify, coalesced, consolidated, fused.
Mnemonics: Remember pomegranate in which the seeds are united together into one combined ball.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Daily Vocabulary Part-14

You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.

41. Alimentary [ al-uh-men-tuh-ree ], (पाचन)
Meaning: of or providing nourishment, nutrient.
Mnemonics: ailment ~ sounds like element : element like calcium is very much necessary for bones as they provide nourishment to our bones and made them stronger.

42.alimony [ al-uh-moh-nee ] (निर्वाह निधि)
Meaning: court-ordered support paid by one spouse to another after they are separated
Mnemonics: Ali(name of the person) + mony(money), Imagine, Ali giving money to his ex- wife every month.

43.Allay[ uh-ley ] (निराकरणकरना)
Meaning: Satisfy, assuage, quench, slake, ease, relieve.
Mnemonics: al + lay ~ Ali (name of a person) + lay; Ali lay down on bed to calm down his body and mind.

44.Allege[ uh-lej ] (आरोपित करना)
Meaning: To state without proof, aver, say.
Mnemonics: allege ~ eligible; so if you are eligible for voting, you have to show a certificate proving that you are above 18
years old.`

45.Allegiance [ uh-lee-juhns ] (निष्ठा)
Meaning: Commitment, dedication, loyalty, fealty.
Mnemonics: allegiance ~ alleg +ef + iance: This sounds together like alleg(ALLEGE)+iance(sounds like fiance) allege your fiance of not being loyal to you.

46.Allegory [ al-uh-gawr-ee, -gohr-ee ] (रूपक)
Meaning: an expressive style that uses fictional characters and events to describe some subject by suggestive resemblances; an extended metaphor; apologue, fable, parable.
Mnemonics: allegory ~ all gory (fair color skin); all girls on this earth can be gory only in some story. It's not possible in reality.

47.Alleviate [ uh-lee-vee-eyt ] (कम करना)
Meaning: provide physical relief, as from pain, assuage, palliate, relieve.,ease, facilitate.
Mnemonics: alleviate ~ elevator: It sounds like elevator and elevator helps us reduce leg pain while walking or climbing stairs

48.Alliteration [ uh-lit-uh-rey-shuh n ] (अनुप्रास)
Meaning: use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of vers, rhyme.
Mnemonics: All+Iteration : iteration means repeating

49.Allocate [ al-uh-keyt ] (बांटना)
Meaning: distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose, apportion.
Mnemonics: Allocate- to locate, and then set apart for a certain purpose

50.Alloy [ noun al-oi, uh-loi; verb uh-loi ] (मिश्र धातु)
Meaning: (noun) the state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Daily Vocabulary Part-13

  "If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission."

1.Agility [uh-jil-i-tee], (चपलता)
Meaning: the gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble, legerity, lightness, nimbleness.

Mnemonics: GILI - this is the one to watch out. gili refers to Gilchrist (a cricket player), who has the ability to move quick
behind stumps

2.Agitate [aj-i-teyt ] ,(आंदोलन करना)
Meaning: change the arrangement or position of, commove, disturb, shake up, stir up, vex, excite, rouse, turn on, shake, foment.

Mnemonics: Agitate rhymes with Irritate. You get agitated if somebody constantly irritates you.

3.Agnostic[ ag-nos-tik ], (संशयवादी)
Meaning: person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist),doubter.

Mnemonics: a - G - NO - stic => God No => Deny existance of god. But he is not sure. So confused about existance of god.

4.Agog [ uh-gog ],(उत्सुक)
Meaning: Highly excited

Mnemonics: a gog sounds like a dog(may be silly but helps) dog always barks.u shout wen ur excited.

5.Agrarian [ uh-grair-ee-uh n ],(कृषि संबंधी)
Meaning: relating to rural matters,agricultural, farming.

Mnemonics: root "agr" in this word means related to agriculture clearly indicate the meaning of this word.

6.Alacrity [ uh-lak-ri-tee ],(तत्परता)
Meaning: Liveliness and eagerness, briskness, smartness.

Mnemonics: take the suffix crity we can link it with creativity. Creative peopple are so eager to learn n create things differently.

7. Alchemy [ al-kuh-mee ], (रस-विधा)
Meaning: a pseudoscientific forerunner of chemistry in medieval times

Mnemonics: alchemy ~ ALL + CHEMIcal :related to chemistry

8. Alcove [ al-kohv ], (गुफा)
Meaning: a small recess opening off a larger room,bay

Mnemonics: alcove ~ a cave; reminds us of a cave which has a small opening

9.alias [ ey-lee-uhs ],(उपनाम)
Meaning: a name that has been assumed temporarily, assumed name, false name.

Mnemonics: Ali + As : so you are changing your name Ali to Asif...why?`

10.alienate [ eyl-yuh-neyt, ey-lee-uh- ] ,(विमुख)
Meaning: arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness, alien, disaffect, estrange.

Mnemonics: Alien+ate. treat someone like an alien i.e. being unfriendly or getting separated.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Daily Vocabulary Part-12

Great things never come form comfort zones.

21.Affliction (कष्ट)
Meaning:a cause of great suffering and distress.
Mnemonics: it can be a combination of two words..affection and when there is a conflict in affection its a cause of great distress and suffering.
· refers to tongue rite, so if we all remember ,a proverb says - tongue is the root cause for many family problems, so think b4 u talk. hence, when there is a problem, there is a state of distress

22.Affluence (समृद्धि)
Meaning: abundant wealth,richness.
Mnemonics: sounds like influence. Rich people generally have influence over others, hence affluence can be related to richness.

23.Affront (अपमान)
Meaning: Insult.
Mnemonics: af + and whenever you insult someone in front of others you do it intentionally to hurt them.

24.Agape (मुंह खोले हुए)
Meaning: Wide open, in a state of wonder and amazement.
Mnemonics: A+gape ~ a + gap; an opened mouth has gap between lips and hence agape.

25.Agenda (कार्यसूची)
Meaning: a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to, docket, schedule, agendum, order of business.

26.Agglomeration (समुदाय)
Meaning: the act of collecting in a mass; the act of agglomerating.    
Mnemonics: agglomeration ~ egg + ration; Just imagine a ration store with heaps of eggs.

27.Aggrandize (शक्ति अथवा प्रतिक्षा में बढ़ाना)
Meaning: Add details to, blow up , dramatize, embellish, embroider, lard, pad.
Mnemonics: grand- this resembles to somthing huge,great,wealthy

28.Aggregate (पूर्णयोग)
Meaning: The whole amount, conglomeration, combine, congerie.
Mnemonics: What are your aggregate marks?... means what is your grand total marks

29.Aggressor (आक्रामक)
Meaning: a confident assertive person who acts as instigator, someone who attacks, assailant, assaulter, attacker.

30.Aghast (भौचक्का)
Meaning: struck with fear, dread, or consternation, appalled, dismayed, shocked.
Mnemonics: a + ghast ~ a + ghost; a ghost house is filled with lot of surprises and fear, so we get horrified

Daily Vocabulary Part-18

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers 1. Amorous [ am -er- uh s ] (कामुक ) Meaning: ADJ motivated in a sexual mann...