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1.Amass [ uh-mas ] (एकत्र करना)
Meaning: collect or gathe,accumulate, collect, compile, pile, hoard, roll up, conglomerate.Mnemonics: amass ~ add masses and hence to collect things
2.Amazon [ am-uh-zon, -zuh n ] (वीरांगना)
Meaning: mainly green tropical American parrots, large strong and aggressive woman, virago.
Mnemonics: amazon ~ amazing woman
Mnemonics: amazon ~ amazing woman
3.Ambidexterous [ am-bi-dek-struh s ] (उभयहस्त)
Meaning: equally skillful with each hand
Mnemonics: 'Ambi' means 'both' (am + bi - two); Dexter means skillful
Mnemonics: 'Ambi' means 'both' (am + bi - two); Dexter means skillful
4.Ambience [ am-bee-uh ns; French ahn-byahns] (माहौल)
Meaning: the atmosphere of an environment
· ambience ~ amber (it's a Hindi word meaning sky)and hence the meaning.
· if u can remember, the room spray called ambience ,then that will do things easy.a room freshner is sprayed to keep the room environment or atmosphere smell nice
· ambience ~ amber (it's a Hindi word meaning sky)and hence the meaning.
· if u can remember, the room spray called ambience ,then that will do things easy.a room freshner is sprayed to keep the room environment or atmosphere smell nice
5.Ambiguous [ am-big-yoo-uhs ] (अस्पष्ट)
Meaning: having more than one possible meaning, open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead, equivocal.
Mnemonics: Ambi (am + bi) means 2 , while guous sounds like guess. So if 2 people guess on something, then it will make the subject doubtful or unclear.
Mnemonics: Ambi (am + bi) means 2 , while guous sounds like guess. So if 2 people guess on something, then it will make the subject doubtful or unclear.
6.Ambivalence [ am-biv-uh-luh ns ] (दोहरे विचार वाला)
Meaning: mixed feelings or emotions
Mnemonics:ambivalence ~ am (I) + bi (both) + value; I value both sides and hence have mixed feelings.
Mnemonics:ambivalence ~ am (I) + bi (both) + value; I value both sides and hence have mixed feelings.
7.Amble [ am-buhl ] (टहलना)
Meaning: a leisurely walk (usually in some public place, perambulation, promenade, saunter, stroll., mosey.
Mnemonics: ambulance is a walking (moving) hospital; somnambulism is sleep walking; ambulatory = able to walk and not bedridden; and AMBLE obviously must mean simply walking
Mnemonics: ambulance is a walking (moving) hospital; somnambulism is sleep walking; ambulatory = able to walk and not bedridden; and AMBLE obviously must mean simply walking
8.Ambrosia [am-broh-zhuh] (अमृत)
Meaning: (noun) (classical mythology) the food and drink of the gods; mortals who ate it became immortal, nectar, bitterweed,ragweed, beebread.
· (tag:hindi)AMBROSIA - AMRIT (nectar of life) PIYA (to drink).... and only the Gods had the amrit during the sagar
· ambrosia sounds like 'ambrut' which is food of gods
· (tag:hindi)AMBROSIA - AMRIT (nectar of life) PIYA (to drink).... and only the Gods had the amrit during the sagar
· ambrosia sounds like 'ambrut' which is food of gods
9.Ambulatory [ am-byuh-luh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee ] (चलनक्षम)
Meaning: a covered walkway (as in a cloister )
Mnemonics: ambulatory ~ ambulance; as he can't walk he need an ambulance;
Mnemonics: ambulatory ~ ambulance; as he can't walk he need an ambulance;
10.Ameliorate [ uh-meel-yuh-reyt, uh-mee-lee-uh- ] (सुधारना)
Meaning: get better, amend, better, improve, meliorate.
Mnemonics: Take the suffix 'rate'. With the increase in product rate its quality will also improve.
Mnemonics: Take the suffix 'rate'. With the increase in product rate its quality will also improve.
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