Thursday, June 18, 2020

Daily Vocabulary Part-14

You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.

41. Alimentary [ al-uh-men-tuh-ree ], (पाचन)
Meaning: of or providing nourishment, nutrient.
Mnemonics: ailment ~ sounds like element : element like calcium is very much necessary for bones as they provide nourishment to our bones and made them stronger.

42.alimony [ al-uh-moh-nee ] (निर्वाह निधि)
Meaning: court-ordered support paid by one spouse to another after they are separated
Mnemonics: Ali(name of the person) + mony(money), Imagine, Ali giving money to his ex- wife every month.

43.Allay[ uh-ley ] (निराकरणकरना)
Meaning: Satisfy, assuage, quench, slake, ease, relieve.
Mnemonics: al + lay ~ Ali (name of a person) + lay; Ali lay down on bed to calm down his body and mind.

44.Allege[ uh-lej ] (आरोपित करना)
Meaning: To state without proof, aver, say.
Mnemonics: allege ~ eligible; so if you are eligible for voting, you have to show a certificate proving that you are above 18
years old.`

45.Allegiance [ uh-lee-juhns ] (निष्ठा)
Meaning: Commitment, dedication, loyalty, fealty.
Mnemonics: allegiance ~ alleg +ef + iance: This sounds together like alleg(ALLEGE)+iance(sounds like fiance) allege your fiance of not being loyal to you.

46.Allegory [ al-uh-gawr-ee, -gohr-ee ] (रूपक)
Meaning: an expressive style that uses fictional characters and events to describe some subject by suggestive resemblances; an extended metaphor; apologue, fable, parable.
Mnemonics: allegory ~ all gory (fair color skin); all girls on this earth can be gory only in some story. It's not possible in reality.

47.Alleviate [ uh-lee-vee-eyt ] (कम करना)
Meaning: provide physical relief, as from pain, assuage, palliate, relieve.,ease, facilitate.
Mnemonics: alleviate ~ elevator: It sounds like elevator and elevator helps us reduce leg pain while walking or climbing stairs

48.Alliteration [ uh-lit-uh-rey-shuh n ] (अनुप्रास)
Meaning: use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of vers, rhyme.
Mnemonics: All+Iteration : iteration means repeating

49.Allocate [ al-uh-keyt ] (बांटना)
Meaning: distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose, apportion.
Mnemonics: Allocate- to locate, and then set apart for a certain purpose

50.Alloy [ noun al-oi, uh-loi; verb uh-loi ] (मिश्र धातु)
Meaning: (noun) the state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something

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Daily Vocabulary Part-18

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers 1. Amorous [ am -er- uh s ] (कामुक ) Meaning: ADJ motivated in a sexual mann...