Friday, June 12, 2020

Daily Vocabulary Part-8

ज़िन्दगी से यही सीखा है मेहनत करो रुकना नहीं हालत कैसे भी हो किसी के सामने झुकना नहीं !

71. Acute:(नोकीला)
Meaning: (of the senses) sharp; quickly perceptive; keen; penetrating; brief and severe;

Mnemonics: : acute angle is angle less than 90 angles with small measurement will have SHARP vertex...

72. Adage:(कहावत)
Meaning: wise saying; proverb

Mnemonics: : Adage ~ advice at age = when a person is adding in age (increase in age, old people) .. old people generally
speaks wisely and use lots of adage in their conversation.

73. Adamant:(अटल)
Meaning: hard; inflexible

Mnemonics: : A+DAM+ant...A DAM IS GENERALLY INFLEXIBLE AND HARD so vehicles can pass through it.

74. Adapt:(अनुकूल बनना)
Meaning: make or become suitable for a specific use; alter; modify; adjust; N. adaptation: act of adapting; composition recast into a new form;

Mnemonics: : add+opt = opt for adding something new in u to suit in new environment

75. Addendum:(परिशिष्ट)
Meaning: addition; appendix to book; something that is added (as at the end of a speech or book).

Mnemonics: : add+end+um...anything added in the end of the book.

76. Addiction:(लत)
Meaning: compulsive habitual need.

Mnemonics: : add+action = if u add an action in your regular routine, once u will get addicted to it and that is addiction

77. Addle:(सड़ा)
Meaning: make or become confused; muddle; drive crazy; become rotten (egg)

Mnemonics: : Sound like "a+ dull”, and a dull person is always confused

78. Address:(पता)
Meaning: direct a speech to; speak to; deal with or discuss; direct one's efforts or attention to; make with a destination; N:formal speech

79. Adept:(निपुण)
Meaning: expert at; very skilled

Mnemonics: : adept is close to adapt. So, an adept batsman like sachin adapt himself quickly on any kind of pitch.

80. Adhere:(पालन ​​करना)
Meaning: stick fast; be a devoted follower; N. adhesion: adhering; devotion; loyality

Mnemonics: : Adhere is relating to a adhesive which is used to stick or join two the meaning

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Daily Vocabulary Part-18

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today.” – Will Rogers 1. Amorous [ am -er- uh s ] (कामुक ) Meaning: ADJ motivated in a sexual mann...